The El Paso Department of Animal Services will suspend euthanasia for one day. It will take part in a campaign called “Just One Day”. On Saturday, June 11, it will focus all its resources on helping animals. Every shelter animal that can will be given a happy and healthy home.
“Just One Day” is a national campaign asking shelters all over the country to stop killing savable animals for a day. The campaign started a few years ago with the intent of helping the thousands of animals who live in shelters survive. Ideally, these animals would also find loving homes to live out their lives. However, in order to find those homes, they have to live for at least one more day.
Campaign Hopes to Free Up Shelter Space
Each day, shelters kill around 10,411 animals. The campaign hopes to change that by encouraging shelters to find new creative ways to reach the public and suspend euthanasia for a day, because one day can make a huge difference for thousands of animals across the country.
To encourage people to adopt a pet from a shelter, Animal Services will also waive all adoption fees on Saturday, hosting a promotion with a slogan “No Kill, No Fee”. Even though all fees will be waived, shelters welcome donations.
The event will take place at El Paso Animal Services Shelter Saturday, June 11, from 10AM to 5PM. Pets will be available on a first come, first served basis. It’s important to remember that you shouldn’t adopt an animal just because they don’t have a home or seem cute. Pets are a serious consideration, as it’s similar to introducing a child into your home. You’ll need to spend a lot of money on things like health insurance, training, and food. So make sure you really consider what you’re doing before you adopt.