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Police Officer Fatally Shot After Pulling Over Citizen!

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El Paso, TX – On Friday morning a citizen shot a police officer for simply doing his job. In this case, the man was an El Paso police officer. Thus, the officer pulled over a man and received injuries from the incident. This incident occurred Friday morning and was shocking for many local individuals.

The El Paso Police Department recorded that this incident happened in the middle of the night. At approximately 1:50 AM on the 1000 block of Chicken Ranch Road, an officer from the El Paso Police Department pulled over a suspicious person.

The criminal struck the deputy several times in the back of the head of other random areas. The El Paso deputy didn’t fire any shots. Although, the man randomly attacked the deputy when he pulled him over. The deputy’s injuries resulted in surgery. The officer is not currently injured and he is stable. He currently is undergoing surgery within the El Paso Hospital.

Both suspects who were in the vehicle, were taken into custody. Also, officers arrested both suspects. Currently, the conclusion is under investigation. Although it is not clear what led to the incident and the escalation of the incident, the El Paso police force is working hard to find the cause of the incident. Only time will tell what will happen to the police officer as well as the men arrested. If you have any information the accident you can contact crime stoppers at (915) 566-8477.

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