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Road Works On I-10 Will Cause Traffic In El Paso

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An 18-mile stretch of interstate 10 between El Paso and Las Cruses in both directions will be repaved due to the tear and wear of the road a lot of traffic goes through. The traffic delays are expected in the next 4 months due to the road work.


The construction began last week at mile market 146 on the eastbound lane. After the eastbound late (markets 146-164) is done, the reconstruction will switch to the eastbound lane. It is expected to happen in April.


The road work is scheduled from 10AM to 10PM on weekdays.


When you drive this road regularly, be aware of the probable delays the works can cause. It is better to leave earlier as there can be traffic and it is hard to estimate how much time it will take. It is also possible that it will be easier to take an alternative route. Although, if you are going from El Paso to Las Cruces or from Las Cruces to El Paso, you will not be able to avoid the construction and the traffic it will possibly cause as there is no other way to get from one city to another besides taking I-10.

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