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Skoolie: What Is Life In A Bus?

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The Skoolie is for the nomad. The lifestyle can be a difficult transition for many, but for others, it’s totally the liberating experience that they have been searching for.

Many See The Bus-Life As a Cool and Interesting “Lifestyle” For Their Instagram Posts.

We live in the age of show-casing our lifestyles. From what we eat to where we travel, we want the world to know that we are doing something cool and interesting ALL THE TIME. Unfortunately, this is not a good fit for everyone. The amount of time and effort and backlogging is either for someone whose nuts enough to wing-it, or it’s for someone who had a high-end, well-paying job whose looking to take some esoteric change in their lifestyle. From my experience, I have always dealt with the “wing-it” types. They can, for the most part, embrace the lifestyle a little more fluidly than those who are doing it for show.

Those Who “Wing-It” Enjoy The Skoolie Experience More

After the initial construction of a Skoolie (which again takes time and money), the next challenge is actually living on the road. Many have some form of savings and many have a way to work remotely. Thus, having a basic form of income while on the road is important. For someone like a social media influencer, I have seen many who focus on other topics and decide its a great story for them and their s/o. Most of the ones I run into end their trip within 3-months. Within that time they realize that the conditions don’t necessarily provide a pampered lifestyle.

Those who “wing-it” understand that is exactly what they’re doing. They are willing to spend months in one place while a new part for their engine or undercarriage is shipped in. Typically these people who send it without any direction are the modern vagabonds. Living from place-to-place is typically more ingrained into their lifestyle, but they live and they live comfortably. It typically comes down to taking their already established lifestyle and putting wheels on it.

It is Similar to Owning a House, But Your House Can Break Down.

Listen, the skoolie lifestyle isn’t rainbows and candy. It can be hard. Getting stuck in an unfamiliar place while you need to fix your van or bus is the kind of experience that not many people want, but it’s almost a certainty that it will happen. I have been around long enough in these situations to know who is going to cut-it and who won’t. My first experience in this situation wasn’t the prettiest. I was at a music festival, and on my way, there was a young couple.

They wanted to “experience” the on the road lifestyle and unfortunately, they didn’t expect the issues that normally happen to come up. The couple was young, probably in their early 20’s, and you could tell that the dream and excitement of living this lifestyle for a couple of months had drained them of all the “magic” they wanted to experience. They bought their dream van with low miles and rushed to convert it. The inside was a mess and, unfortunately, their Alternator went. On all accounts, I thought I was about to witness a murder. The girl screaming and crying on the phone with her dad, the boy sitting with his head in his hands trying to figure out a plan-any plan to get them out.

Skoolie Living Overview

I grew up with the hippie culture of the North East. This typically involved a lot of moving around. Even for those who rented homes or tried to establish a place of residency. These people knew the issues that come about and understood the true concept of winging it. They know full-well the problems that can occur and understand the means to fix it. For many new to the lifestyle or who are more used to a pampered lifestyle, this is a massive challenge to accept.

Of course, having these challenges, especially at an early age can help people grow significantly. I have seen plenty of Youtube channels where people get the idea to have a dream living in a van only to find out it is not for them. Most have to seel the van for less than what they put into it, unfortunately. For the lucky ones, they break even. These lifestyles can be challenging.

Did Your Conversion Van Break Down?

Listen, that’s life. You’ll hear it anywhere, or you’re telling yourself this right now. Perhaps your Dad right now, on the phone with your child who panicked that they’re stuck in a not-so-good place. Our services can get you (or them) out of this. We have an amazing Van transport and bus transport service. We will make sure that you are out of the spot that you are in.

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